Cultural tourism in kenya pdf file

This has been brought by the immense movement of people, services, assets, companies and assets across the. Afro asian journal of social sciences volume 1, no. Positive as well as negative influences will be investigated. This document outlines kenya s foreign policy as it has evolved since independence in 1963. Conservation of natural and cultural heritage in kenya. Foreign tourist arrivals are expected to witness a growth of 78 % in the coming years. Today, the typical international tourist arrives in kenya on a package tour that may include a safari, a visit to the beach, or both. Bachelor thesis in tourism studies destination image in beijing, china. The idea of developing cultural manyattas around amboseli national park was later encouraged by kws by a new policy of kenya wildlife service in 1996 kws.

Economic, environmental and sociocultural impacts of. Kenya has 485 licensed hotels of international standards to choose from. During the 1990s, the number of tourists travelling to kenya decreased, partly due to the wellpublicised murders of several tourists. Themed ethnic village resort escalates cultural tourism at the kenyan coast duration. Assessing the contribution of cultural heritage sites to.

It is also an industry that has many social and cultural or physical consequences. However, tourism in kenya is one of the leading sources of foreign exchange along with coffee. While ecotourism and sustainable tourism are recognized as an important, growing tourism segment, primary research to quantify the size and scope of the market in the usa or internationally is lacking work with unwto to collect consistent visitor data, at least from primary markets. Cultural tourism development program has been created to assist with the development and support of new cultural tourism experiences within national parks. Culinary tourism is a subset of agri tourism that focuses specifically on the search for, and enjoyment of, prepared food and drink. Attain world heritage status for the maasai mara african safari is the unique selling point of the kenyan tourism experience, and the ultimate dream experience visitors to kenya would like to have. The best cultural activities in kenya plan your next trip here.

Maasai mara is iconic and well known for the wildebeest migration. Its prehistoric heritage not only tells the story of mans origin and evolution but has also contributed to the understanding of the earths history. The impact of tourism on the conservation of the cultural heritage. Secondary data on indigenous knowledge in kenya, indigenous tourism as well as tourism sector statistics was collected through documentary analysis. Not all impacts are applicable to every community because conditions or resources differ. A trip to kenya is about more than just wildl ntry is found among the combined faces of kenyas many cultures ach of our landscapes has a different cultural.

Our country offers amazing options of experiences for the discerning leisure, business, nature, cultural and eco sensitive. However, the main tourist attraction is a game safari to one of the country. Strategies for the new millennium in mombasa, kenya, december 2000. In one study, the participants were reluctant to identify themselves as tourists, or even ecotourists. As a result it is a land rich in cultural and ethnic diversity, with unique and dynamic cultural traditions. Class, elegance, ambiance and quality service are the major distinguishing factors of kenya s hotels and game lodges kenya space, 2008. This resource has been developed to provide potential cultural tourism operators with an understanding of the tourism industry and all the. Tourism is a social and economic phenomenon that heavily influences contemporary. Hidalgo investments is an investment company with diverse interests in the fields of finance, government tenders, business consultancy and corporate image consultancy and legal research, and was incorporated in 2008 under the laws of kenya, cap 486. Cultural tourism in africa association for tourism and leisure.

With a growing interest in the intangible culture of different countries i. It underscores the underlying philosophy and values, main sources and influences, guiding principles, objectives and core priorities, strategies and the implementation framework. The quality of their tourism assets high standards in visitor accommodation ef. Cultural heritage and the law international centre for. In kenya, cultural and natural heritage has a particular value. Organisation of cultural manyattas in the amboseli area cultural manyattas have been established along the fringe of the boundary between olgulului lolarashi and kimana tikondo group ranches and amboseli national park. Pdf on oct 7, 2016, and evaristus irandu and others published development of culture heritage tourism in kenya. The main aim of this research is to highlight the wellorganized and managed economic impacts by host communities on the host community. In particular, this essay proposes the following trends and associated arts interventions. Kenya, thailand, ghana, south africa, nepal and brazil. In general, tourism development within a host community often has impact. Moreover, tourism is a key economic activity in kenya contributing 10% to gdp and providing over 500 000 jobs across the formal and informal sectors gokmot, 2006. Taking child protection to the next level in kenya the case study1 is part of a unicef global initiative, undertaken in collaboration with global affairs canada to document national child protection frameworks in five core programming countries.

Harnessing tourism for growth and improved livelihoods 5 ssa tourism sectors must maintain competitiveness through. It is the people who bring the destination to lifeeach landscape has a different cultural significance to a different community, and the wildlife has long been an essential part of traditional culture. Much of the growth of global tourism has been generated by domestic tourism, which tends to be more focused on rural destinations. Soko directory was formed in 2008 by hidalgo investments ltd. Cultural tourism is a people tourism that enables tourists to experience authentic cultures combining nature, scenery, folklore, ceremonies, dances, rituals, tales, art, handcrafts and hospitalitygiving a unique insight into the way of life of the people while offering complementary products to wildlife and beach based tourism. Ghana, indonesia, kenya, senegal and the united republic of tanzania.

This growth was supported by a stable macroeconomic environment, low oil prices, a rebound in tourism, strong remittance practices, and governmentled infrastructure development. Eleven cultural heritage elements or factors in need of preservation and exploitation for tourism were found. Republic of kenya ministry of tourism and wildlife. Culture and customs of kenya south african history online. Tourism, economic impacts, environmental impacts, social and. Pdf development of culture heritage tourism in kenya.

Pdf governing conservation tourism partnerships in kenya. There is not one kenya, but many kenyas, and while this is a challenge to any writer, the much greater challenges are those faced by not just the kenyan government but governments everywhere in africa. The study went one step further to explore why tourists visit cultural heritage sites and the results were used to develop an attraction development model to guide cultural tourism planning. Objective 2 improving the quality of the village tourism experience so that it encourages genuine cultural. The findings of the study indicate that although indigenous tourism holds a great socioeconomic potential in kenya, it has not been harnessed fully. Community attitude each category includes positive and negative impacts. Indigenous knowledge and socioeconomic development. A selection of case studies is included australia, austria, korea, mexico and poland. The following report investigates economic, environmental and socio cultural impacts in mexico caused by the tourism industry. Tourism is an industry with enormous economic impacts.

The decision to publish a reference document on kenya s foreign policy. The main aim of the conference was to identify innovative and creative strategies for the development, promotion and marketing of culture based tourism in africa in the new millennium. Factors influencing community participation in cultural. An under standing of the intangible cultural heritage of different communities helps with intercultural dialogue, and encourages mutual respect for other ways of life. Growth in foreign exchange earnings is expected to be of the order of 122 %.

Beach tourism, eco tourism, cultural tourism, and sports tourism are all part of the tourism sector in kenya. The study went one step further to explore why tourists. A trip to kenya is about more than just wildlife or scenery the real face of kenya is found among the combined faces of many cultures. Making cultural diversity a recognizable fact and working towards. Ecotourism kenya s community outreach programme offers tailormade services for community groups such as. An analysis of f the challenges facing cultural tourism. With your download, get the 37 best papers relevant to this one, including 20 top related papers.

Tourism is kenya s third largest source of foreign exchange, it dominates the service sector, and contributes significantly to employment. While fragile, intangible cultural heritage is an important factor in maintaining cultural diversity in the face of growing globalization. Greg richards introduction cultural tourism has a long history, and with its. The impacts of tourism can be sorted into seven general categories. Kenya hotels present the most diverse range of accommodation to suit every taste. Kenya, tourism located in east africa figure 1, the republic of kenya has an estimated population of 42 million and has english and kiswahili as its official languages. Developments and challenges in the hospitality and tourism. Tourism like many other industries is often used as a national or regional development tool.

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